Media Buying

Media buying is predominantly known for getting the most bang for your buck. Our experienced and trained media buyers know how to work with advertising vendors to get the best media buys for our clients; this includes negotiating the best, added value/bonuses, production incentives, sponsorship opportunities, and more.

We will help you place ads where your buyers live and play. Do they listen to podcasts, live on Facebook and Instagram, or do they still read the Sunday paper? You’ll get the best digital and traditional media ad space for your campaigns, ad spend, and attribution needs by working with our media buy agency team.

Through our relationships and reputation, we aggregate media options at lower costs than going directly to the publishers. We guarantee it! Your custom media buying plan will align with all of your internal growth goals and also deliver unique and new options that come only from working with multiple layers of relationships. Ask us to show you some of our past activations; they're amazing!